Prayer Times

Prayer times in Franklin, TN
2024-10-22 1446-Rabi Al-Thani-19
Salah Iqama
Fajr 5:50 AM 6:15 AM
Sunrise 7:01 AM
Dhuhr 12:32 PM 1:30 PM
Asr 3:37 PM 4:30 AM
Maghrib 6:02 PM 6:07 PM
Sunset 6:02 PM
Isha'a 7:13 PM 8:00 PM
Jumma 12:30 PM

Darul Eman Sunday School of ICWC

Darul Eman Sunday School of the Islamic Center of Williamson County is committed to providing quality Islamic Education according to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be upon Him) to a diverse student population in the greater area.

School Calendar Fall Semester Spring Semester
First day 9.6.2020 1.10.2021
Late registration 9.13.2020 1.17.2021
Last day 12.20.2020 5.16.2021
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